Project for Improved Energy Efficiency and Seismic Safety of Pilot Schools and Kindergartens in Balykchy and Toktogul

In the Kyrgyz Republic most of public buildings were built without any energy efficiency considerations and at the current state are poorly maintained. Moreover, Central Asia and Kyrgyzstan are subject to high seismic hazards and all buildings in the country are likely to be exposed to possibly destructive earthquakes. More than the 80 percent of schools and kindergartens in the Kyrgyz Republic, are classified to have "low seismic safety".

The "Urban Development Project" (UDP) has the objectives to improve the quality of municipal services and pilot energy efficiency and seismic resilience retrofits of urban infrastructure (schools and kindergartens) in two participating towns. The project, developed with the Government of Kyrgyz Republic (GKR) and funded by the World Bank, has been prepared by the Community Development and Investment Agency (Agentstvo Razvitiya I Investirovanya Soobschtv Kyrgyzkoi Respubliki – ARIS) which has been responsible for the preparation, coordination, project management and implementation.

The Joint Venture "ALL Ingegneria" & "AIRES Ingegneria" has been charged with the assignment for consulting services for "Preparation of Feasibility Studies and Designs for Improved Energy Efficiency and Seismic Safety and Construction Supervision of Pilot Schools and Kindergartens in Balykchy and Toktogul".

The assignment provides for engineering services for designing the retrofit on six facilities (4 schools and 2 kindergartens) built from the 1950s to the 1980s. The design process includes several tasks, namely: feasibility design, preliminary design and detailed design.

The objectives of the assignment are:

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